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10-20-20 Tech Talk

~ Recorded Live from KOWS FM 92.5 ~

The SSC Tuatara Hypercar leads off this week ‘s episode of Tech Talk giving commentator Rick DeMeis an opening story with plenty of horsepower. After all, any time a vehicle is capable of setting an average speed record of 316.11 mph to clinch the title of the world’s “Fastest Production Car”, it ought to get top billing.
But there’s lots more compelling tech news included in the discussion this week including a story out of Penn State on a self-heating battery that stops lithium from collecting on the positive terminal while improving charge times and the life of the battery.
Also, listen in for updates from the world of Elon Musk regarding lunar mission projections, and from NASA about its current mission to the asteroid Bennu as well as the Perseverance mission to Mars.
The program closes out with information about a portable COVID-19 test and the development of a recyclable running shoe.

Rick's Tech Talk a weekly feature on KOWS 92.5 FM radio Newtopian Dream program hosted by RT Newt.

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Automotive News

SSC Tuatara – World’s Fastest Production Car

Penn State Develops Self-Heating Battery

Musk Minute

Starship Aims For 2024 Moon Landing

More Tech News

NASA Osiris-Rex Touches Asteroid Bennu

NASA Eyes Mars Rover

University of Illinois Announces Portable COVID-19 Test

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