RPM News Podcast 8-18-20
Ordinarily, come summer, the New England Motor Press Association would stage their annual Ragtop Ramble whereby journalists and auto manufacturing reps jaunt from the Larz Anderson Auto Museum in Brookline, MA up to Kennebunkport, Maine’s Colonial Inn in a spectacular assortment of convertibles, performance cars and other “crustaceous” (aka non-convertible) vehicles to enjoy a lobster dinner. This year, with the pandemic putting the kibosh on social gatherings, NEMPA switched gears and created a DIY road rally for members to get out into the open air and share their experiences in a vehicle of choice while gathering points by completing a series of challenges and posting them on social media.
To keep things interesting, Ford Motor Co., Fiat Chrysler of America and convertible fabric maker Haatrz Corp. ponied up some sponsorship prizes.
Naturally, RPM News podcast hosts Peter Ciani and Rich Taber would find this all to be a most worthy topic for discussion, especially the part where Ford posted a few exclusive videos for the event featuring the all-new Bronco and Mustang Mach 1.
Have a listen to find out more. Oh, and btw, for the rally, Peter drove up to the White Mountains of New Hampshire in a Ford Super Duty F-350 Tremor with the monstrous new 7.3-liter engine and Rich cranked up the turbocharged MultiAir 1.4-liter engine in his 2013 Dodge Dart Limited, popped open the sunroof and headed out toward Cape Cod.
Segment Locations On The Scrub Bar
- 00:00 Introduction
- 01:40 NEMPA Ragtop Road Rally
- 04:00 2020 Ford Super Duty F-350 XLT Tremor
- 07:54 2013 Dodge Dart Limited Turbo
- 14:05 cont. 2020 Ford Super Duty F-350
- 21:05 2021 Ford Mustang Mach 1
- 25:25 2021 Ford Bronco

2021 Ford Mustang Mach 1
video courtesy of Ford Media
2021 Ford Bronco
video courtesy of Ford Media