RPM Presents: Rick’s Tech Talk; Jeep Gladiator, Robot Ducks and the Moon!

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7-09-19 Tech Talk

~ Recorded Live from KOWS FM 92.5 ~

The long-awaited Gladiator pickup truck hits the road with Tech Talk commentator Rick DeMeis behind the wheel of this newest member of the Jeep family.

Tech Talk is a weekly feature on KOWS 92.5 FM radio Newtopian Dream program hosted by RT Newt.

Ride of the Week:

2020 Jeep Gladiator

In Other Tech News:

Fire at SpaceX

Roboduck Helps Keep Weeds Out Of Rice Fields

A Giant Leap Revisited:

If you enjoy the history of space exploration, Tech Talk host Rick DeMeis recommends visiting JFK Moonshot
