Happy Honda Days…Again!

Posted by  Peter Ciani   in       6 years ago     744 Views     Comments Off on Happy Honda Days…Again!  

One of our favorite stories to cover in the last several years was Honda’s Candy Cane Lane VR Experience to benefit Children’s Hospital of Orange County.  

This year Honda doesn’t disappoint, adding a whole new virtual reality experience  – “The Magic Snow Globe”. 

As in the Candy Cane Lane, patients at CHOC Children’s went on a VR adventure, this time exploring the inside of a virtual Snow Globe. 

“Inside the snow globe, the children were welcomed by colorful characters and played with a number of interactive elements, such as clicking on a cloud to make it snow. The characters guided them through the experience and helped them create a customized snowman. Once they ‘unshrunk’, the patients were surprised to see all the characters inside the real snow globe and a gift with the toy version of the snowman they had created.”

Honda Uses Virtual Reality to Transport Pediatric Patients into a Magical Snow Globe for the Holidays

Besides bringing a VR holiday experience to the children, Honda is also donating $50,000 to both CHOC Children’s – a nonprofit pediatric healthcare system providing high quality care to infants, children and teens, and the Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation – the world’s largest nonprofit solely dedicated to children and teens with brain tumors, and Honda’s charity for more than 27 years.

If you’d like to experience Honda’s “Candy Cane Lane” &  “The Magic Snow Globe”, put on some VR glasses and check out the videos below.  

Honda’s “The Magic Snow Globe” 

Honda’s The Magic Snow Globe 360 Experience

Honda’s “Candy Cane Lane”

Donate to CHOC
