2018 Mass Cruisers Engine Build-Off

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The brisk Fall air has moved in, school shops have dug into their sessions, and the New England Patriots are on their way to another winning season. But, it wasn’t that way when the Mass Cruisers Engine Build-Off Competition took place at Patriots Place in Foxboro back in June.

Six teams, 12 students highly skilled at engine repair went head-to-head, each team tasked with breaking down a Briggs & Stratton engine – like the engine often found in go karts such as the one Rich Taber is standing beside in the video – and putting it back together… in working condition.

What’s featured in the video are highlights from the competition – a fascinating glimpse into the amazing field of talented students coming out of today’s vocational-tech and agricultural high schools.


Blue Hills Regional Vocational Technical High School


  1. Alex Gonzalez, Chris Mesner
  2. Rob Baker, Mark DeCristofaro
  3. Shalaya Smoot, Aden Johnson

Norfolk County Agricultural High School


  1. Ben Colangelo, Kalie Cummings
  2. Emma Gonneville, Jacob Mathieu
  3. Noah Axberg, Christian Giorgio
